Red Fan Pattern Porphyry Paver - Flamed - 3.5" X 3.5" Fan With Net Backing


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PRICE: US$ 22.00
  • Deep red stone

  • Fan pattern with netted backing

  • Extremely hardwearing material

  • Ideal for patios, driveways, and more

  • Flamed finish for a rustic and muted effect

Tell me about the stone

This stunning fan pattern Red Porphyry paver is ideal for adding warmth and intrigue to your new exterior design. Its rich redness is kept subtle and understated by its rugged finish and design - the perfect rustic material for a stunning backyard patio, driveway and more. Its red fan pattern adds an exquisite design element that will make your home stand out from the rest.

Porphyry is similar to granite in that it is of igneous geology and incredibly hard. This makes it a great stone for exterior applications that are likely to suffer harsh conditions. It is fairly scratch resistant, therefore regular daily use as a driveway or patio is unlikely to damage the stone. It is formed just like granite, starting life as a molten rock beneath the earth's crust. As it rises up to cooler temperatures, it cools slowly, causing the formation of large crystals.

Tell me about the tile's finish

These paver stones have a net backing to hold the design in place. This makes for easy installation, reducing the time it takes and resulting in lower costs. This is a great option for those who are looking to get their new exterior up and running in time for the beautiful summer weather or just simply want a time and cost-effective solution.

The stones themselves have a flamed finish, a look achieved by blasting their surface with a searing hot flame. Under the extreme temperatures, the surface of the tile bursts and splits, creating a slightly rough textured stone. This process mutes the stone's coloring, taking it from a bright and bold red to an understated, yet still dark and rich hue.

A flamed finish is ideal for paver stones because of its consistency combined with the rough and rugged look. It is both easy to maintain and functional, providing a great level for traction, ideal for wet days, and requiring minimal maintenance. If you're looking for a design that will stand the test of time, these Red Porphyry fan pattern pavers are ideal.

What overall look will I achieve?

Red Porphyry is great for achieving a rustic look that will last for decades. Its hardwearing capabilities combined with its beautiful cobbled effect make it ideal for creating the rugged backyard of your dreams. The fan pattern is perhaps the most attractive of all cobblestone looks, reminiscent of the beautiful streets of Paris and other European cities with characterful charm. Contrast its harsh and earthy demeanor with soft and beautiful florals for a stunning outside area you'll never want to leave.